Staying Complaint Within Privacy Consent Laws

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About this Episode

This episode walks through how website privacy laws are changing and why businesses should get user consent for cookies. It emphasizes compliance is not just legal, but ethical and expected by users.

The Importance of SEO Auditing in 2024

In this episode, Jon Ballard and Evan Facinger discuss privacy consent laws that have already existed in Europe and are starting to increase in specific states across the US. These laws are complex and vary by state, but generally they require websites to get user consent before using cookies to track user activity. The price for non-compliance in fines can be as high as $7,500 and that's just per site visitor. Companies shouldn't just comply with these laws to avoid fines, but also because it's the right thing to do and what users expect. We also recommend that companies update their privacy policies and cookie consent forms to reflect the latest laws and technologies. All websites across the internet are affected by this so we urge anyone who owns a website for their business to tune in.

Need Help Becoming Compliant?

Are you a website owner unsure if your site meets the latest privacy compliance laws? You could be at risk of hefty fines for non-compliance. The world and laws are changing and many already have changed. Contact Foremost Media for a free consultation and we can help you understand whether or not your site is compliant. If it isn't, we offer the very services to fix this for you potentially saving you thousands of dollars in the future.


  • 0:00 Intro
  • 2:12 US States That Are Already Affected
  • 3:12 What is a Cookie? What is Cookie Consent?
  • 5:41 What Privacy Consent Laws Cover (And Their Consequences)
  • 6:42 Trying to Find Loopholes is a Bad Idea
  • 8:53 How Compliant Technology Has Evolved
  • 11:12 Future-Proofing Your Website
  • 14:41 Outro

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